Flower Festival 2018- The Art of Flowers

Sunshine, over 300 visitors and a great team offering help in many different ways led to a very successful flower festival.


Thanks must go to the team of four, Barbara Coe, Katie Huffey, Margaret Garner and Sheila Large for their tireless work and the brilliant idea of using pictures from our talented local artists to inspire the flower arrangements. Roy Huffey and David Lodge gave the team great support with their DIY and picture hanging skills.

Our thanks go to the artists for the loan of their pictures and the flower arrangers for their inspired creations. We are also grateful to the many sponsors, cake makers, plant producers and those who gave up their time to help in many ways. A great team effort! Thank you! The profits of £2125 will be used for essential work on St Lawrence Church tower.

A selection of photos can be found on the gallery page.