The Friends of St Lawrence Church

The Friends of St Lawrence Church Bradfield is a separate registered charity, quite distinct from the church, and has been established to help support St Lawrence Parochial Church Council (PCC) in the preservation and restoration of the church.

Whilst the PCC and its congregation are committed to meeting the day to day running expenses of the church and to do what they can towards its upkeep they are unable to fully fund the total cost of keeping such an ancient building in good condition.   This is where the Friends come in.   The Friends support the PCC in works, which have been agreed between the Friends and PCC, to maintain, repair, restore, etc the church for the benefit of everyone.

The Friends was set up in 2000 but has was re-launched as a separate charity in 2010 to encourage people from the village community to have a greater say and role in helping to preserve our oldest historic building.  

Apart from fundraising the Friends intend to widen knowledge about the church and village. The Friends have published three history books, one of Bradfield village, another of St Lawrence Church, and most recently the story of Bradfield's first world war heroes, (see "Books" tab for full details).


Would you like to help us?

If you would like to become a member of the Friends please click below for an application form.

Application Form

Whatever help you can give would be very much appreciated and if you are a UK taxpayer it would be even more helpful if you would gift-aid any donation you make - the tax we can reclaim will boost still further the funds we raise.