
Gradens Open Day Sunday 30th June. Plans are progressing well but I would still like a few more gardens. If anyone else is thinking about opening could you please let me know as soon as possible? Thank you to those people who have already made contact.

Plant Stall I will be asking for help with various things nearer the time, but at present ask you to remember we will be running a plant stall at the Gardens  Open Day and any cuttings, divisions or seedlings you are able to provide would be gratefully received. Please label.

£110! Thanks and congratulations to Fontaine Woods and Barbara Tabor for their idea of making bird kits. If you haven’t met the bird kits, it is a device full of soft wool which you hang in the garden and the birds help themselves to build superior nests. I am sure Fontaine would sell you one. As they have raised £110 selling them, the birds in Bradfield must be living in luxury!  

Good news!   The PCC have finally got through all the necessary permissions etc. for the retiling of the lych gate. The Friends have provided a grant to cover the costs and the work is due to commence on Monday 15th April and be completed by the Thursday. I am also pleased to report that the PCC Fabric Committee had a productive meeting with the new architect and are waiting for his suggestions on the way forward with several areas which are  needing maintenance work.

October Quiz correction . Teams of 6. The cost per head is in fact £7.50 per person including Ploughman’s Supper.